India. Ball, B. (1877). ‘On the Geology of the Mahanadi Basin and Its Vicinity [Odisha state]’, extract of The Records

Geological Survey of India

  • £20.00

India. Ball, B. (1877). ‘On the Geology of the Mahanadi Basin and Its Vicinity [Odisha state]’, extract of The Records of the Geological Survey of India, vol. X, pt.4, pp.167-192, + 2 foldout hand-coloured maps, ‘Simbalpur Diamonds and Gold’, scale 1”=4 miles /1: 253,440, 24 x 24 cm (14.5 x 16 printed area), and ‘Index Map to the Geology of Mahanadi Basin’, scale 1”=32miles/ 1: 2,027,520, 24 x 39.5cm. Text and map age-toned but clean. In good condition.