Sheet memoir 357 and 360 (1906). The Geology of the Isles of Scilly. Barrow, George. London: Geological Survey of England and Wales (now BGS), 34 pp. Text only

Sheet memoir 357 and 360 (1906). The Geology of the Isles of Scilly. Barrow, George. London: Geological Survey of England and Wales (now BGS), 34 pp. Text only

British Geological Survey

  • £5.00

Sheet memoir  357 and 360 (1906). The Geology of the Isles of Scilly. Barrow, George. London: Geological Survey of England and Wales (now BGS), 34 pp. Text only extract with m/s part title and author, otherwise, text clean. Missing cover, table of contents and plates, top margin trimmed. In fair to good condition. Currently, 2024, no published memoir, only private POD.    

About the England & Wales Sheet Memoirs

These 20th century reports, specific to the one inch geological map for the area, were published by the Geological Survey of England and Wales.