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Geologische Ubersichtskarte von Finland, 1897. Colour print, 21"x15". Sederholm, JJ.
Geologische Ubersichtskarte von Finland, 1897. Colour print, 21"x15", scale 1:2,500,000, cut, mounted on linen and folded between marbled soft card covers. Adjacent parts of Sweden, Norway, Russia and Estonia also...
Regular price £8900 £89.00
Geikie, James (1882). [Geological] Map of the Faeroe Islands, in ‘On the Geology of the Faeroe Islands’, extract from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Geikie, James (1882). [Geological] Map of the Faeroe Islands, in ‘On the Geology of the Faeroe Islands’, extract from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, v.30, pp 217...
Regular price £2000 £20.00
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Bergen, 16D. GSGS4282.
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Bergen, 16D, 1942 War Office reproduction of 1880. Scale 1:100,000. Flat colour print, 43x61cm. Blank lines quarter the map area where the original map was cut and...
Regular price £1900 £19.00
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Haus, 22B. GSGS4282.
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Haus, 22B, 1942 War Office reproduction of 1880. Scale 1:100,000. Flat colour print, 43x61cm. Blank lines quarter the map area where the original map was cut and...
Sederholm, JJ. 1910. Carte Geologique de la Fennoscandia. Colour printed folded map (41.5 x 33cm) at 1:800,000 approx
Sederholm, JJ. 1910. Carte Geologique de la Fennoscandia. Colour printed folded map (41.5 x 33cm) at 1:800,000 approx (scale not stated) with ‘Les Roches Prequaternaires de la Fennoscandia’, Helsingfors. 39pp,...
Regular price £1800 £18.00
Iceland. Sheet 6 – Mid-Sudorland / [Geological Map of] South-Central Iceland (1977). Reykjavik: Museum of Natural History. 1:250,000,. Iceland NHM.
Iceland. Sheet 6 – Mid-Sudorland / [Geological Map of] South-Central Iceland (1977). Reykjavik: Museum of Natural History. 1:250,000, colour-printed map 47 x 83cm folding to 20 x 14cm in attached...
Regular price £1600 £16.00
Oslo. 1952. Geologisk Kart Over Oslo of Omegn (geological map of Oslo & Region)
Oslo. 1952. Geologisk Kart Over Oslo of Omegn (geological map of Oslo & Region). Geological Survey of Norway. Scale 1:50,000. Colour printed, 100.5 x 66cm, flat, clean and bright. Edges...
Regular price £1400 £14.00
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Egersund, 3D. GSGS4282.
Den Geologiske Undersogelse, Egersund, 3D, 1942 War Office reproduction of 1914. Scale 1:100,000. Flat colour print, 43x61cm. Blank lines quarter the map area where the original map was cut and...
Mannerfelt, Carl M. (1945). Some Glacial morphological form elements . . . in Swedish and Norwegian mountain terrain. IN SWEDISH, Captions translated to English. Geografiska Annaler.
Mannerfelt, Carl M. (1945). Some Glacial morphological form elements: and their testimony about the melting mechanics of the ice sheets in Swedish and Norwegian mountain terrain. IN SWEDISH, Captions translated...
Regular price £1000 £10.00
De Geer, G. 1911. Scandian Subsidence area with centres of uplift. Colour printed folded map
De Geer, G. 1911. Das Skandische Senkungsgebiet mit Randhebebungszentren. Colour printed folded map (41.5 x 33cm) at 1:800,000 (translates approx. as the Scandian Subsidence area with centres of uplift) with...
Holonda. NGU.
Holonda, sheet 1521-ii, 1977. Scale 1:50,000. Folded colour print, 66x82cm, of solid geology, located near border of Sweden midway in Norway. English/Norwegian legend. Small dirt mark on upper edge, otherwise...
The Geology of Parts of Southern Norway: Duplicate Set of Maps, Sections and Tables, 1934. Geologists' Assoc.
The Geology of Parts of Southern Norway: Duplicate Set of Maps, Sections and Tables, 1934. From the field meeting pamphlet, July 7th, 1934. 7 maps and 4 sections, uncoloured, cut...
Regular price £900 £9.00
Aeromagnetic Anomaly map of Scandinavia,1983. SGU.
Aeromagnetic Anomaly map of Scandinavia,1983, 1:2,500,000. Folded colour, 88.5x63cm, in English. Covers Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. Based on survey of 1965. Notes in ink and some faults in red pencil....
Regular price £700 £7.00