Goodenough, K, et al (2007). Exploring the landscape of Assynt. British Geological Survey, 56pp. Reprint of 2004 1st edition.
Goodenough, K, et al (2007). Exploring the landscape of Assynt. British Geological Survey, 56pp. Reprint of 2004 1st edition. Set of paperback guidebook and folded map colour-printed 1:50,000 map packed in folding double sided plastic wallet. The guidebook has excellent colour illustrations and 3D block diagram for each route. The map shows the simplified geology superimposed over a shaded relief map that gives an excellent visualisation of the rugged terrain. There are six inset maps in the right margin at 1:25000 of local walks with numbered locations relating to descriptions in the guide book. In as new condition. Current BGS price is £12 + £2.50 postage.