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Moody, R.T.J. et al. (eds.)(2010). Dinosaurs and other Extinct Saurians: A Historical Perspective. London: Geological Society Special. Geological Society of London.
Stopes, Marie C., (1910). Ancient Plants, Being a Simple Account of the Past Vegetation of the Earth and of the Recent Important Discoveries. Blackie & Son.
Judd, J.W. (1888). Volcanoes; what they are and what they teach. London: Kegan Paul,. Kegan Paul.
Geikie, Archibald (1876). Geology. London: Macmillan, 128pp + 6pp adverts, 4th edition. Hardback, red cloth covered boards with black lettering. MacMillan.
Hambrey, M and Alean, J. (1994). Glaciers. Cambridge University Press. 208 pp. (reprint of 1992 1st ed.) HB. Cambridge University Press.
Kuhn, Thomas. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago, 3rd edition. 212 + xiv pp. PB. University of Chicago.
Cox, Ian. Ed. (1957). The Scallop; Studies of a shell and its influences on humankind. London; Shell, 135pp. HB. Shell.
Darwin, Charles (1845). Journal of Researches into the Natural History of the Countries visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 2nd edition. John Murray.
Reclus, Élisée (1870). La Terre, Description des Phènomènes de la Vie du Globe; tome 1, Les Continents. Paris: Hachette, 2nd edition. 775pp. (1st in 1868), volume 1 only of 2. Librarie Hachette.
Geikie, Archibald. (1882). Geological Sketches at Home and Abroad. London: MacMillan & Co. 1st edition. 382 pp. HB. MacMillan.
Himus, GW, and Sweeting, GS. (1951). The Elements of Field Geology. London: University Tutorial Press. 1st edition. viii + 268pp. + 2 foldout maps. HB. University Tutorial Press.
Daly, AR. (1926). Our Mobile Earth. London & New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1st edition. 342 +xxii pp. HB. Charles Scribner's Sons.
Bonney, TG. (1898). The Story of our Planet. London: Cassel and Co. xvi + 592pp. 4th reprint, first published 1892. HB. Cassell and Co.
Lyell, Charles (c1914). The Antiquity of Man. J.M. Dent.