Shepherd, Thomas H. (1827). ‘Villa in the Regent’s Park; the Residence of G.B. Greenough. From Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteenth Century.

Jones and Co

  • £18.00

Shepherd, Thomas H. (1827). ‘Villa in the Regent’s Park; the Residence of G.B. Greenough, Esq. to Whom this Plate is Most Respectfully Inscribed’. From Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteenth Century. London: Jones & Co. Engraving by William Wallis from study by Shepherd, 12.5 x 18.5cm. View of Grove House from west, showing gardener and possibly, GBG. Greenough’s home from 1822-1855, designed and built for him by Decimus Burton. Clean and in very good condition.