Kashmir. Hayden, H.H. (1907). Notes on Certain Glaciers in North-West Kashmir’ off print from The Records, Geological Survey of India

Geological Survey of India

  • £16.00

Kashmir. Hayden, H.H. (1907). ‘Notes on Certain Glaciers in North-West Kashmir’,   off print from The Records, Geological Survey of India, vXXXV, pt3. Pp.127-137, + 16 photo plates,and 6 plates, of which 5 foldout, of b/w plans of Hinarche, Barche, Minapin, Yengutsa and Hassanabad glaciers at 1:800 and 1:4800 scales and a two colour printed foldout topographical ‘Map Showing Position of Glaciers in Hunza, Nagir and Bagrot’ at 1”=4miles. In very good to fine condition.