Judd, J.W. (1873). [Geological] Map Showing ... the Secondary Strata Around the Moray Firth [Scotland], fold-out colour printed map,

Geological Society of London

  • £16.00

Judd, J.W. (1873). [Geological] Map Showing the Distribution of the Secondary Strata Around the Shores of the Moray Firth [Scotland], fold-out colour printed map, 1:63,360, (1”= 1 mile), 45.5 x 40cm., in ‘The Secondary Rocks of Scotland, First Paper’ an extract from the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. V.29, pp. 97-195 + fold-out table of the Jurassic Succession, and another . Map, tables, and text age-toned, clean and in very condition.