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Whitehurst, John. 1778. An Inquiry into the Original State and Formation of the Earth; Deduced from the Facts and Laws of Nature. .... Some General Observations on the Strata in Derbyshire. London. W. Bent.
Whitaker, William. (1889). The Geology of London and of part of the Thames Valley; Explanation of Sheets 1, 2, and 7 [Old Series]. Memoir. British Geological Survey.
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London. Jordan, J. B. and Whitaker, W. (1894). Stanford’s Geological Map of London: Shewing Superficial Deposits. London: Edward Stanford. 3rd ed. Stanford.
Mantell, Gideon (1822). The Fossils of the South Downs; or Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex. London: Lupton Relfe, 227 +xvi pp +42 plates. Hardback,. Lupton Relfe.
Sopwith, Thomas. 1833. An Account of the Mining Districts of Alston Moor, Weardale and Teesdale. William Davison.
De la Beche, Henry T. (1839). Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. Longman et al.
Faujas St.-Fond, B. (1907). A Journey through England and Scotland to the Hebrides in 1794, 1907. Hugh Hopkins.