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London. (1880). Wyld’s Map of the Superficial Geology of London and Environs. London: James Wyld. Colour lithograph 1:63,360. Wyld, James, jr..
London. Jordan, J. B. and Whitaker, W. (1894). Stanford’s Geological Map of London: Shewing Superficial Deposits. London: Edward Stanford. 3rd ed. Stanford.
Darwin, Charles (1845). Journal of Researches into the Natural History of the Countries visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, 2nd edition. John Murray.
Gardner, J. 1826. Geological Map of England and Wales, Reduced from the Map in 6 Sheets Published by the Geological Society. Gardner, J..
Wyld’s Map of the Superficial Geology of London and its Environs. Wyld, James, jr..